The R3 Institute. Reach your higher power.
At The R3 Institute, we believe our health’s foundation is centered on our spiritual and emotional well-being. Here we lay the groundwork to create a path leading you to a life of true fulfillment.
Our science-driven, customizable strategy empowers you and your family to build life-long habits, with a focus on maintaining or improving metabolic health.
We prioritize evidence-based practices in every domain of health – nutritional, emotional, relational, physical, and spiritual to lead our efforts for your success. Our virtual, self-paced protocol will meet you where you are and lead you to where you want to be!
The growing epidemic of metabolic and mental health diseases within our country is preventing many of us from reaching our greatest capacity. We must seek restoration for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. R3 is here to restore hope so you in return can experience life’s ultimate quest of fulfillment.
Both history and our current day reveal the challenges we face as humans. We grow in hardships and foster during adversity. The goal is not to avoid afflictions but to be made resilient through them. In doing so, research reveals we thrive in all areas of wellness. R3 is a strategy to help you conquer the inevitable tribulations so you can prosper and lead others in return.
Humans crave connectedness and thrive in communities. Anthropological data reveals it was our ability to work and serve together that functioned as one of our greatest survival skills as a species. As technology becomes increasingly present in our lives, we must be intentional in seeking meaningful relationships. Current research reveals loving and supportive relationships serve as one of our most important predictors of longevity. R3 strives to support growth in all relationships important to you, including the relationship with oneself and a power beyond ourselves.